
Gouging / Cutting ElectrodesCutting & Gouging

Gouging / Cutting ElectrodesCutting & Gouging


Highly concentrated arc force & exothermic coated electrode offers all position cutting and piercing of all metals & alloys using standard electric arc equipment. No special skill, supplementary equipment or oxygen tanks are required. Slow burn-off rate leaves little residue, requiring comparably less finishing. Electrode does not overheat, can withstand high amperage.


  • High arc force leading to easy cutting
  • Forceful penetrating arc, retains till the end of electrode
  • High blowing effect, Molten metal is blown away quickly
Packing Details Dimension
Sr. No. Product Name Unique Features
1 Super Power Cut 100
  • Highly heat resistant electrode having concentrate arc right at the point of application
  • Finishing operation is rarely necessary
  • Piercing, cutting stainless steel & cast iron, cleaning castings etc
2 Super Power Gouge
  • Excellent electrode to gouge & bevel
  • Ideal electrode to remove unwanted metal prior to final machining
  • The whitish smoke facilitates the welder to spot the crack easily during gouging operation
  • Superb U groove preparation & minimal cleaning after groove preparation
3 Supertrode A90
  • Forceful penetrating arc with low smoke
  • For high speed, all position cutting and piercing of any metal
  • Offers narrow kerfs, smooth & clean cuts
4 Supertrode A91
  • Gouging electrodes for cast irons & other metals
  • Removal of old welds & rivets
  • Used for preparing sections prior to welding, gouging out old / defective weld metal, removing flash & risers

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